On September 8, 1922, Bishop Thomas Mary O’Leary welcomed us into the Diocese with these words, “Come, come to Springfield in the name of God and Mary. This will be our gift to Our Lady on the feast of her birth.”
Looking back over the years we realize that our monastery has been more of a gift from Our Lady than the other way around! Only God knows how many graces have poured forth. We decided, therefore, to celebrate this jubilee with a novena of Masses in thanksgiving, the special intentions being as follows:
Day 1 (August 31, 2022) ... In thanksgiving for Mother Mary Hyacinth and all our deceased sisters, who faithfully handed down to us the particular spirit of our community. We are grateful for their many sacrifices and good example, along with their love for the Liturgy, private prayer and community life.
Day 2 (September 1) ... In thanksgiving for the Bishops and many priests of the diocese who have supported us in various ways, such as chaplains and confessors.
Day 3 (September 2) ... In thanksgiving for the many kindnesses extended to us over the years by the other women religious of the diocese, beginning with the hospitality given to Mother Mary Hyacinth by the Good Shepherd Sisters.
Day 4 (September 3) ... In thanksgiving for our current relatives, friends and benefactors, especially those who joined us for Mass with our bishop, the Most Reverend William Byrne as celebrant.
Day 5 (September 4) ... In thanksgiving for the great privilege of Eucharistic Adoration in our chapel, a work requested of us by Bishop O’Leary in 1922.
Day 6 ( September 5) ... In thanksgiving for our deceased relatives, friends and benefactors. May they rest in peace!
Day 7 (September 6) ... In thanksgiving for our Dominican vocation, and for the friendship and support of the whole Dominican family.
Day 8 (September 7) ... In thanksgiving for the many graces God has been pleased to grant to the Church and to the world through our life of intercessory prayer.
Day 9 (September 8, 2022) ... In thanksgiving for Our Lady’s maternal care for this monastery for one hundred years! May she continue to bless and guide us with her motherly love and protection!